NGOs can play vital role in social sector: Mir

NGOs can play vital role in social sector: Mir


GUNDHASSIBHAT: Minister for Agriculture, Gh. Hassan Mir said that Non Governmental Organisations (NGO) have a greater role to aware the people about the benefits of various schemes launched by the government in social sector.
The minister was speaking after the inauguration of free medical aid camp organised by the NGO Coordination Committee in collaboration with Health Services Kashmir and Directorate of Indian System of Medicine here on Wednesday.
Mir said government is taking possible steps to strengthen the health sector in the State to provide the basic health facilities to the people at their door steps. He asserted that all the health institutions of the State are being upgraded in a phased manner with latest diagnostic equipments.
The patients of adjacent areas have participated in free medical aid camp and were treated by the doctors of health and Indian System of Medicine. About 500 patients were given free medical consultation and free medicine in the camp besides 16 educational kits were also distributed among the orphans and poor students of the area by the organisation committee.

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