Those days of mission and work for JMI 2000-2006

Read our article published in Milli Gazette in the year 2002, Like this several posts and editorial were published in numerous leading news papers. Even we cannot count letters to 3 different VC of JMI during that span of time. We had also setup our Electronics Media Group called Phonetic Motion Arts with the aim to take interviews of Academic and Administration staffs to know their views and highlight it with leading News Channel.

 Now by the God's Grace, Our demand for the minority status to Jamia Millia Islamia has been amended and will be followed from new season 2011-2012 accordingly. 

Our key members were : Mushtaq Ahmad, Ahmad A. Azahr, Iqbal Ahmad, Girish Kumar, Faizan Ahmad

For more details click this link Milli Gazette
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